Web Gallery Downloader - how to download images from Tumblr

  1. Navigate in your web browser to a web page with profile of your favorite Tumblr user. It can be for example http://superbnature.tumblr.com/.
  2. Copy url of the web page from web browser to clipboard - right mouse click on navigation bar and select "Copy" or use keyboard shortcut CTRL + C
  3. Start Web Gallery Downloader and paste the url from clipboard to "Enter link:" edit field  - Right mouse click on edit filed and from popup menu select "Paste" or use keyboard shortcut CTRL + V
  4. Press ENTER or click on button "Load".
  5. Enter how much pages with images you want to download. You can select "All pages" - in this case all images will be downloaded, or you can select maximal number of pages to download. Every page contains 50 images.
  6. Web Gallery Downloader will start looking for images. This process can take some time.  
  7. Click on button "Save to disk", select destination folder where images will be saved and click on OK button. That is all, all images from user profile will be now downloaded to the destination folder.


In some cases (adult content) you need to enter first your Tumblr login and password - click on "Logins & Passwords" tab on ribbon and enter your login and password.

 tumblr copy link

tumblr paste link

tumblr select pages

tumblr analyze

tumblr save

tumblr saving


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