How to download photos and videos from Instagram

Available for Windows and macOS
You need to have Web Gallery Downloader in version 15.0.1 or newer!
First you need to import Instagram cookies according to this TUTORIAL.
Navigate in your web browser to the Instagram page of your favorite user. For example, our instagram page.
- Copy URL of the web page from the web browser to the clipboard - right mouse click on the navigation bar and select "Copy" or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C

Start Web Gallery Downloader and click on the button "Load link from clipboard"
Click on the button "Save all to disk", select the destination folder where the content will be saved, and click on the OK button. That is all, all clips and photos will downloaded to the destination folder.
If you want to download e.g. only the last two pages with the latest content, click on the "Save only selected pages" button, set "From page" to 1 and "To page" to 2.

- Click on the button "Open last destination folder" to open a folder with the downloaded content.